What Is the Future of Web App Development?

by Andy Jones ,
November 25, 2022
Web Application Development

Since the early 2000s, when the concert of web applications was introduced and developed, web apps have drastically changed the world of digital products - for businesses and users alike. But as technologies continue to evolve, so does the landscape of web app development. Here is what the future holds.

Single Page Applications (SPA)

Single Page Applications (SPAs) are a more agile, lightweight version of web apps. Leveraging an innovative JavaScript framework, SPAs minimise the risk of page reloading interruptions, shorten the web app development lifecycle, provide content on demand, and boost the site’s performance on all devices.

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Introduced in 2015 by Google, Progressive Web Applications are becoming an essential tool to boost cybersecurity standards without compromising UX. Indeed, these web-based applications prevent caching and minimise the risk of page loading interruptions through manifest files and shell architectures. All this contributes to keeping users’ data safer.

What’s more, PWAs offer an unmatched customisation potential, giving the chance to developers to introduce features such as push notifications, tailored UX, and mobile-first capabilities.

Improved Security Standards

Whether you are looking to implement a native or web-based app for your business, security should always be your top priority - especially now that cybercrime levels are at an all-time high! Safer applications allow you to comply with GDPR standards, protect user data, and boost the reputation and public image of your business.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) is a project fuelled by Google as part of the company’s effort to create a mobile-first web environment. With 47.3% of website page views deriving from mobile devices, it is more critical than ever for companies to invest in web applications that are mobile-responsible, easily adaptable, and high-performing.

AMPs do exactly so. By removing unnecessary elements, incorporating image compression capabilities, and embracing a lightweight design, Accelerated Mobile Pages can offer a faster and more streamlined page navigation experience to mobile users.

AI Integrations

AI-based technologies are taking every industry by storm - and the world of web application development isn’t an exception! The web apps of the future will incorporate AI-based technologies such as Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI), IoT integrations, and chatbots to boost UX and support business automation.

VR, Motion UI and 3D Elements

That the web app development industry is moving towards more engaging and interactive experiences for users is not a secret. But, beyond push notifications, it can be hard for businesses to understand how to do so effectively.

One of the best ways to create a more interactive experience includes incorporating technologies such as VR, Motion UI, and 3D elements within your web app. These features can create a more immersive and customised experience for users, and boost your app’s KPIs such as Average Time on Page.

Voice-Related Features

According to statistics by Think with Google, over 20% of all Google searches derive from voice search features. And, as younger generations of users become the prevalent demographic in today’s market, this percentage is only bound to increase. Introducing and optimising voice search capabilities can help your application rank higher on search engines and propel your online presence into its future.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design has been gaining attention since Google began using responsiveness as a metric to rank websites. However, beyond making it easier for users to view and navigate websites from multiple devices, RWD is also crucial to creating customised experiences, adapting to a specific monitor’s standards, and matching the preferences of users (i.e.: dark themes or night light modes).

Closing The Tech Gap Between Web, Mobile, and Desktop

Web applications are playing an important role in helping businesses close the tech gap between mobile, desktop, and web by providing seamless, fully-customisable navigation experiences.

But choosing what technologies you’ll need for a cutting-edge application can be overwhelming. That is where our team of web app developers at Make IT Simple can help. Contact our team today or book a consultation to get started.

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